March 11, 2012

Mornings at home....

  Most of you who have children will totally understand this post and others may not.  If you do not have children, this is what you have to look forward to!

Saturday morning at 6:59am;
Titus at my door- "Mom, when are you getting up?"
Me- "I dunno, let me sleep."
Titus- "Mom, I let you sleep in.  Can you get up now?"
Me- "Titus, please go play for a bit.  I will get up soon."
Titus- "Uuuugh!  Ok, then can I wake up the brothers?"
Me- "No, go play quietly and do not wake anybody up. It is too early"
Titus- "Mom.  I'm hungry!  Get up!  I'm HUNGRY!!"
Me- "Fine..... I'm getting up....."
(I lay there not moving, Titus doesn't leave either.)
30 seconds later.....
Titus- "Mom, you are STILL not getting up! Fine, I will go get the brothers...."
Me- "FINE! I'm up, I'm up!

Finally, I was up.  Titus got his breakfast and not 5 minutes after I got up, so did the brothers.  I should have just let Titus wake them up!

So this is how the mornings go around here.  Somewhat different dialogue, but always the same result.  I am up wayyy too early.....

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