Bowling Chaos!
Friday night was Nicks "Guy night" at our house, so I had to find something for me and the kids to do! This was my opportunity to have a mom and kids fun night! My sister, Jenz, said she needed something to do as well, so I suggested we go bowling! Tina, a friend, said she wanted to come too. It all started to look like a fun time! Little did I know, there was chaos looming, just waiting to strike!
When we arrived at Showtime Family Lanes, we figured out how many people were joining. Eight children and four adults, Jenz and her 3 kids, Tina and her 2 kids, me with my 3 kids and my dad. After paying a small fortune for one game each and shoes, we were on our way to lanes 28, and 29. Lane 28 was grown ups and lane 29 was for the kids. We set up our screens for a great time and corralled all the children who were running amok. Jenz, had to keep track of Joshua, who is 2. He thought running toward the pins was great fun, even though he kept slipping and falling.
I attempted to roll my first turn however, as I approached the lane Jaden and Ciara, started screaming at me and jumping around "OH MY GOSH, AUNTIE! YOU CAN DO IT! AHHHHhhhh!!!" Either way I ended with a spare. The kids seemed to be having fun with their game when suddenly Jenz noticed Haiden pushing buttons on the control panel. Unfortunately, she was too late and the kid screen went blank, they were several frames in. After 5 minutes I went to the front to see about a reset. The lady at the counter could not fix it and had to call to the back to see if they could figure it out. (they could not) She bumped the kids to lane 31.
Throughout this entire time we had been chasing Joshua, telling all the kids to stay away from other players and many had been nearly maimed with bowling balls several times. I was at my wits end at this point. My kids were being great and staying seated, although we had SEVERAL trips to the restroom, some lasting a good 10 -15 minutes. I was slowly losing my mind between making kids sit down, keeping track of Joshua, and attempting to bowl at the same time. The seventh frame rolled around and my screen said "pre paid limit over!" "What!? I paid for a game!" Back to the front I went, pretty angry that another thing had gone wrong. The lady at the counter kindly let me know that only 3 of our 4 adults had paid for their games and yet there were still 4 players.... Hmmmmm...... Back to lane 28, where I confronted Tina with this new knowledge. "Oh, oops, I was hoping I wouldn't have to pay. I can't really afford it." It was at this point I REALLY had to hold my tongue. So this incident held us up another 20 minutes! My kids started crying at this point. Arthur said, "This is all just so much crazyness! I can't handle it!" Then Taylor, "Can't we just be done?!" We all agreed to finish the adult game and then leave. Even with all the crazyness I still ended up winning. It was truly Miraculous after all that was going on around me!
When we all got loaded in to the car the kids asked sweetly, "next time can we go secret bowling, and not tell anyone?" At the end of this crazy Friday night? Of course, I will never try this again!
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